Song   Reflect The Christ Today
Album Most Popular Gospel Songs – Letter R
Genre Contemporary Christian Music
Writer Ella Davis
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Reflect The Christ Today
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No

All Nature Tells Us Of His Wondrous Care;
For Us He’s Fashioned All Its Beauties Rare;
His Presence Is Reflected Everywhere;
Do You Reflect Him, Too?

Reflect The Savior In Your Life Today;
As You Go Out Upon The Crowded Way,
Let Him Be Seen In All You Do And Say
Reflect The Christ Today.

We Hear His Whisper In The Birds That Sing,
In Swaying Trees And In The Bubbling Spring;
We Look, And Find Him In Each Growing Thing
Can He Be Found In You?

From Dawn Of Day Until The Night Is Here
We Look Around Us, And We Feel Him Near,
And Joy Lights Up The Path We Once Thought Drear
Does He Shine Forth In You?

Throughout The World Are Eager Ones Who Long
To Leave Their Wretched Paths Of Sin And Wrong;
They Seek The Christ Amid The Anxious Throng
Can They See Him In You?

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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