Song   Records Records Records
Album Most Popular Gospel Songs – Letter R
Genre Contemporary Christian Music
Writer Eleanor Long
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Tags Records Records Records
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There Will Come A Day, Sometime, Sometime,
When The Books Will Be Opened In Heaven;
When The Judge Will Sit On The Great White Throne,
And The Sons Of Men Will Stand Forth Alone,
To Receive The Sentence Given,
To Receive The Sentence Given.

Records, Records, Records,
We Are Writing Every Day!
Writing, Writing, Writing,
As We Travel Life’s Highway!
Glory! Glory! Glory!
We Shall Dwell Beyond Earth’s Strife,
If Our Record’s Clear, And Our Names Appear
In The Lamb’s Great Book Of Life.

In That Record There, Somewhere, Somewhere,
You Are Writing Your Record Each Day;
And Whatever It Be, Whether Dark Or Fair,
As ‘Tis Written There, It Will Stand Up There,
In The Record Book For Aye,
In The Record Book For Aye.

There’s “Another Book,” Somewhere, Somewhere;
‘Tis The Lamb’s Book Of Life, Pure And Fair;
And His Blood Alone Can For Sin Atone,
And Present You Faultless Before The Throne,
If Your Name’s Found Written There,
If Your Name’s Found Written There.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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