Song Jesus my strength My hope
Album Our Great Redeemer’s Praise 
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Jesus my strength My hope
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No

Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense
And My Saviour, Now Is Living!
Knowing This, My Confidence
Rests Upon The Hope Here Given,
Though The Night Of Death Be Fraught
Still With Many An Anxious Thought.

Jesus, My Redeemer, Lives;
Likewise I To Life Shall Waken.
He Will Bring Me Where He Is;
Shall My Courage Then Be Shaken?
Shall I Fear, Or Could The Head
Rise And Leave His Members Dead?

No, Too Closely Am I Bound
By My Hope To Christ Forever;
Faith’s Strong Hand The Rock Has Found,
Grasped It, And Will Leave It Never;
Even Death Now Cannot Part
From Its Lord The Trusting Heart.

I Am Flesh And Must Return
To The Dust, Whence I Am Taken;
But By Faith I Now Discern
That From Death I Shall Awaken
With My Saviour To Abide
In His Glory, At His Side.

Glorified, I Shall Anew
With This Flesh Then Be Enshrouded;
In This Body I Shall View
God, My Lord, With Eyes Unclouded;
In This Flesh I Then Shall See
Jesus Christ Eternally.

Then These Eyes My Lord Shall Know,
My Redeemer And My Brother;
In His Love My Soul Shall Glow
I Myself, And Not Another!
Then The Weakness I Feel Here
Shall Forever Disappear.

They Who Sorrow Here And Moan
There In Gladness Shall Be Reigning;
Earthly Here The Seed Is Sown,
There Immortal Life Attaining,
Here Our Sinful Bodies Die,
Glorified To Dwell On High.

Then Take Comfort And Rejoice,
For His Members Christ Will Cherish.
Fear Not, They Will Hear His Voice;
Dying, They Shall Never Perish;
For The Very Grave Is Stirred
When The Trumpet’s Blast Is Heard.

Laugh To Scorn The Gloomy Grave
And At Death No Longer Tremble;
He, The Lord, Who Came To Save
Will At Last His Own Assemble.
They Will Go Their Lord To Meet,
Treading Death Beneath Their Feet.

O, Then, Draw Away Your Hearts
From All Pleasures Base And Hollow;
Strive To Share What He Imparts
While You Here His Footsteps Follow.
As You Now Still Wait To Rise,
Fix Your Hearts Beyond The Skies!

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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