Song Glory To Thee, My God, This Night
Album Christian Hymnal – Series 2
Genre Praise & Worship
Publisher / Copyrights John Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
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Glory To Thee, My God, This Night,
For All The Blessings Of The Light:
Keep Me, O Keep Me, King Of Kings,
Beneath Thine Own Almighty Wings!

Forgive Me, Lord, For Thy Dear Son,
The Ill That I This Day Have Done;
That With The World, Myself, And Thee,
I, Ere I Sleep, At Peace May Be.

Teach Me To Live, That I May Dread
The Grave As Little As My Bed;
Teach Me To Die, That So I May
Rise Glorious At The Awful Day.

O May My Soul On Thee Repose!
And May Sweet Sleep Mine Eyelids Close,
Sleep That May Me More Vigorous Make
To Serve My God When I Awake.

If In The Night I Sleepless Lie,
My Soul With Heavenly Thoughts Supply;
Let No Ill Dreams Disturb My Rest,
No Powers Of Darkness Me Molest.

My Soul, When I Shake Off This Dust,
Lord, In Thy Arms I Will Entrust;
O Make Me Thy Peculiar Care,
Some Mansion For My Soul Prepare!

O May I Always Ready Stand,
With My Lamp Burning In My Hand;
May I In Sight Of Heaven Rejoice,
Whene’er I Hear The Bridegroom’s Voice!

All Praise To Thee In Light Arrayed,
Who Light Thy Dwelling-Place Hast Made;
A Boundless Ocean Of Bright Beams
From Thy All-Glorious Godhead Streams.

The Sun In Its Meridian Height
Is Very Darkness In Thy Sight;
My Soul O Lighten And Inflame,
With Thought And Love Of Thy Great Name.

Praise God, From Whom All Blessings Flow;
Praise Him, All Creatures Here Below;
Praise Him Above, Ye Heavenly Host;
Praise Father, Son, And Holy Ghost.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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