Song   Fill My Cup Let It Overflow
Album Top Gospel Choruses & Songs
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Fill My Cup Let It Overflow
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Fill My Cup Let It Overflow (Fill It Up)
Fill My Cup Let It Overflow,
Fill My Cup Let It Overflow
Let It Overflow With Love.

Jesus Loves Me This I Know (This I Know)
For The Bible Tells Me So,
Little Ones To Him Belong
They Are Weak, But He Is Strong.

Fill My Cup Let It Overflow (Fill It Up)
Fill My Cup Let It Overflow,
Fill My Cup Let It Overflow
Let It Overflow With Love.

Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound (Sweet The Sound)
That Saved A Wretch Like Me One Day,
I Once Was Lost But Now I’m Found
I Was Blind But Now I See.

Fill My Cup Let It Overflow (Fill It Up)
Fill My Cup Let It Overflow,
Fill My Cup Let It Overflow
Let It Overflow With Love.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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