Song Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
Album Hymns For Easter
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) Nevers Breviary
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
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Conquering Kings Their Titles Take
From The Foes They Captive Make;
Jesus, By A Nobler Deed,
From The Thousands He Hath Freed.

Yea, None Other Name Is Given
Unto Mortals Under Heaven,
Which Can Make The Dead Arise,
And Exalt Them To The Skies.

That Which Christ So Hardly Wrought,
That Which He So Dearly Bought,
That Salvation, Brethren, Say,
Shall We Madly Cast Away?

Rather Gladly For That Name
Bear The Cross, Endure The Shame;
Joyfully For Him To Die
Is Not Death But Victory.

Jesus, Who Dost Condescend
To Be Called The Sinner’s Friend,
Hear Us, As To Thee We Pray,
Glorying In Thy Name To-Day.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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