Song Come, Let Us Ascend
Album Christian Hymnal – Series 2
Genre Praise & Worship
Publisher / Copyrights John Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
Tags Come, Let Us Ascend
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No

Come, Let Us Ascend,
My Companion And Friend,
To A Taste Of The Banquet Above;
If Thy Heart Be As Mine,
If For Jesus It Pine,
Come Up Into The Chariot Of Love.

Who In Jesus Confide,
We Are Bold To Outride
The Storms Of Affliction Beneath;
With The Prophet We Soar
To The Heavenly Shore,
And Outfly All The Arrows Of Death.

By Faith We Are Come
To Our Permanent Home:
By Hope We The Rapture Improve:
By Love We Still Rise,
And Look Down On The Skies,
For The Heaven Of Heavens Is Love.

Who On Earth Can Conceive
How Happy We Live,
In The Palace Of God, The Great King?
What A Concert Of Praise,
When Our Jesus’s Grace
The Whole Heavenly Company Sing!

What A Rapturous Song,
When The Glorified Throng
In The Spirit Of Harmony Join:
Join All The Glad Choirs,
Hearts, Voices, And Lyres,
And The Burden Is, “Mercy Divine!”

Hallelujah, They Cry,
To The King Of The Sky,
To The Great Everlasting I AM;
To The Lamb That Was Slain,
And Liveth Again,
Hallelujah To God And The Lamb!

The Lamb On The Throne,
Lo! He Dwells With His Own,
And To Rivers Of Pleasure He Leads;
With His Mercy’s Full Blaze,
With The Sight Of His Face,
Our Beatified Spirits He Feeds.

Our Foreheads Proclaim
His Ineffable Name;
Our Bodies His Glory Display;
A Day Without Night
We Feast In His Sight,
And Eternity Seems As A Day!

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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