Song Christians Sing The Incarnation
Album Christian Hymns For Communion
Genre Christian Music
Writer(s) Ernest Dugmore
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags Christians Sing The Incarnation, Percy Buck
Theme(s) Communion Songs, Communion Hymns, Song for Eucharist, Eucharist Celebration Song
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No

Christians, Sing The Incarnation
Of The Eternal Son Of God,
Who, To Save Us, Took Our Nature,
Soul And Body, Flesh And Blood;
God, He Saw Man’s Cruel Bondage,
Who In Death’s Dark Dungeon Lay;
Man, He Came To Fight Man’s Battle,
And For Man He Won The Day.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To The Incarnate Son Of God,
Who For Man As Man Hath Conquered
In Our Own True Flesh And Blood.

King Of Kings And Lord Of Angels,
He Put Off His Glory-Crown,
Had A Stable-Cave For Palace,
And A Manger For His Throne;
Helpless Lay, To Whom Creation
All Its Life And Being Owed,
And The Lowly Hebrew Maiden
Was The Mother Of Her God.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To The Incarnate Son Of God,
Who Concealed His Dazzling Godhead
’Neath The Veil Of Flesh And Blood.

Through A Life Of Lowly Labour
He On Earth Was Pleased To Dwell,
All Our Want And Sorrow Sharing;
God With Us, Emmanuel:
Yet, A Dearer, Closer Union
Jesus In His Love Would Frame;
He, The Passover Fulfilling,
Gave Himself As Paschal Lamb.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To The Incarnate Son Of God,
Who The Heavenly Gifts Bequeathed Us
Of His Own True Flesh And Blood.

Then, By Man Refused And Hated,
God For Man Vouchsafed To Die,
Love Divine Its Depth Revealing
On The Heights Of Calvary;
Through His Dying The Dominion
From The Tyrant Death Was Torn,
When Its Victim Rose Its Victor
On The Resurrection Morn.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To The Incarnate Son Of God,
Who Through His Eternal Spirit
Offers His Own Flesh And Blood.

Forty Days Of Mystic Converse
Lived On Earth The Risen One,
Speaking Of His Earthly Kingdom,
Ere He Sought His Heavenly Throne:
Then, His Latest Words A Blessing,
He Ascended Up On High,
And Through Rank On Rank Of Angels
Captive Led Captivity.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To The Incarnate Son Of God,
Who The Holiest Place Hath Entered
In Our Flesh And By His Blood.

Now Upon The Golden Altar,
In The Midst Before The Throne,
Incense Of His Intercession
He Is Offering For His Own.
And On Earth At All His Altars
His True Presence We Adore,
And His Sacrifice Is Pleaded,
Yea, Till Time Shall Be No More.
Alleluia, Alleluia
To The Incarnate Son Of God,
Who, Abiding Priest Forever,
Still Imparts His Flesh And Blood.

Then, Adored In Highest Heaven,
We Shall See The Virgin’s Son,
All Creation Bowed Before Him,
Man Upon The Eternal Throne:
Where, Like Sound Of Many Waters
In One Ever Rising Flood,
Myriad Voices Hymn His Triumph,
Victim, Priest, Incarnate God.
Worthy He All Praise And Blessing
Who, By Dying, Death Overcame;
Glory Be To God Forever!
Alleluia To The Lamb!

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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