Song Are There Not In The Labourer’s Day
Album Christian Hymnal – Series 2
Genre Praise & Worship
Publisher / Copyrights John Wesley’s Collection of Hymns
Tags Are There Not In The Labourer’s Day
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Are There Not In The Labourer’s Day
Twelve Hours, In Which He Safely May
His Calling’s Work Pursue?
Though Sin And Satan Still Are Near,
Nor Sin Nor Satan Can I Fear,
With Jesus In My View.

Not All The Powers Of Hell Can Fright
A Soul That Walks With Christ In Light,
He Walks And Cannot Fall;
Clearly He Sees, And Wins His Way,
Shining Unto The Perfect Day,
And More Than Conquers All.

Light Of The World, Thy Beams I Bless;
On Thee, Bright Sun Of Righteousness,
My Faith Hath Fixed Its Eye;
Guided By Thee, Through All I Go,
Nor Fear The Ruin Spread Below,
For Thou Art Always Nigh.

Ten Thousand Snares My Path Beset;
Yet Will I, Lord, The Work Complete
Which Thou To Me Hast Given;
Regardless Of The Pains I Feel,
Close By The Gates Of Death And Hell,
I Urge My Way To Heaven.

Still Will I Strive, And Labour Still,
With Humble Zeal To Do Thy Will,
And Trust In Thy Defence:
My Soul Into Thy Hands I Give;
And, If He Can Obtain Thy Leave,
Let Satan Pluck Me Thence!

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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