Doug Horley


Born In : London, England
Occupation(s) : Singer, Musical artist, Lyricist

Doug Horley, otherwise known as “”Duggie Dug Dug”” lives near London, England with his wife Belinda and two children, Jamie and Luke. He is a member of Generation church which is part of the Pioneer network of churches.

Doug has a national and international ministry working with children and song writing. In 1996 his song “”We Want To See Jesus Lifted High”” was chosen as the theme for the global March for Jesus event and was sung in 176 countries by some 25 million people. Doug has also worked with singer / song writer Noel Richards for over ten years and as well as playing lead guitar for him he has also co-written a number of songs with him that have featured on Noel’s albums.

Doug has a vision to see Jesus lighting a flame in the hearts of children that will spread like wildfire. Doug’s heart is to present the gospel in fun, lively ways and to challenge children to build their friendship with God and to realise how important they are to him. He uses action songs, puppets, tricks, juggling and all manner of other exciting visual methods to catch the children’s imagination.

With his team he travels the UK widely putting on family praise parties, seminars and “”adult”” celebrations as well as running the 8-11’s work at conferences including Spring Harvest which this year attracted up to 875 children per day!

He also runs his own annual “Duggies Summer Weeks” which this year was attended by over 1000 mainly unchurched children and young people aged 5-14 during two weeks in August. Doug strives for quality in all that he does and the summer weeks programme included Go karting, Lazer quest, wildlife encounters, the infamous “”gunge tank””, quad bikes, numerous bouncy activities and stacks more.

Doug wants children to thoroughly enjoy themselves at his events – but also to meet with God in powerful ways, and be equipped to be used by God to see amazing things happen.

Doug has also recorded several albums for “Kingsway Music” which feature fun action songs, anointed adult worship tracks and high energy dance tracks.