Charles Austin Miles


Artist Birtday : 07/01/1868(Age 156)
Born In : New Jersey, United States
Occupation(s) : Gospel songs and composer

Charles Austin Miles (1868-1946)

Miles at­tende­d the Phil­a­del­phia Coll­ege of Phar­ma­cy and the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­van­ia. In 1892, he aban­don­ed his ca­reer as a phar­ma­cist and wrote his first Gos­pel song, “List ’Tis Je­sus’ Voice” which was pub­lished by the Hall-Mack Com­pa­ny. He served as ed­i­tor and man­a­ger at the Hall-Mack pub­lish­ers for 37 years. In his own words:

It is as a writ­er of gos­pel songs I am proud to be known, for in that way I may be of the most use to my Mas­ter, whom I serve will­ing­ly al­though not as ef­fi­cient­ly as is my de­sire.