Billy Foote


Billy learned to play the guitar at a young age. His parents were evangelists and Billy would often play a song in the revivals they would lead.

In college Billy began leading worship before there were worship bands or even a concept of specific worship music. After graduating college, Billy began leading worship at camps, retreats and other church related events.

When Billy began to write some of his own songs there was no reason to think they were for anyone but himself, Jesus and the small events in which he led. The third song he ever penned was titled “You Are My King”. He shared the song with his friend, Sam Perry, who was leading worship for the first Passion conference – a Christian collegiate conference. Sam shared the song at Passion. Passion took off, college students who gathered went back to the four corners of the earth carrying the new songs they learned and the path was set for “You Are My King” (most call it “Amazing Love” now) to go global.