Song How Blest The Sacred Tie
Album The Christian Hymn Book
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer(s) A. Campbell And Others
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags How Blest The Sacred Tie
Theme(s)  Love Unity And Fellowship
Scripture Reference(s)
CCLI Song No

How Blest The Sacred Tie That Binds,
In Sweet Communion, Kindred Minds!
How Swift The Heavenly Course They Run,
Whose Hearts, Whose Faith, Whose Hopes Are One!

To Each The Soul Of Each How Dear!
What Tender Love, What Holy Fear!
How Doth The Generous Flame Within
Refine From Earth, And Cleanse From Sin!

Their Streaming Eyes Together Flow
For Human Guilt And Mortal Woe;
Their Ardent Prayers Together Rise
Like Mingling Flames In Sacrifice.

Nor Shall The Glowing Flame Expire,
When Dimly Burns Frail Nature’s Fire;
Then Shall They Meet In Realms Above,
A Heaven Of Joy, A Heaven Of Love.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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