Song   What Shall I Render To My God
Album Thanksgiving and Harvest Hymns
Genre Traditional Christian Hymns
Writer Isaac Watts
Publisher / Copyrights
Tags What Shall I Render To My God
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What Shall I Render To My God
For All His Kindness Shown?
My Feet Shall Visit Thine Abode,
My Songs Address Thy Throne.

Among The Saints That Fill Thine House
My Offerings Shall Be Paid;
There Shall My Zeal Perform The Vows
My Soul In Anguish Made.

How Much Is Mercy Thy Delight,
Thou Ever Blessed God!
How Dear Thy Servants In Thy Sight!
How Precious Is Their Blood!

How Happy All Thy Servants Are!
How Great Thy Grace To Me!
My Life, Which Thou Hast Made Thy Care,
Lord, I Devote To Thee.

Now I Am Thine, Forever Thine,
Nor Shall My Purpose Move
Thy Hand Hath Loosed My Bonds Of Pain,
And Bound Me With Thy Love.

Here In Thy Courts I Leave My Vow,
And Thy Rich Grace Record;
Witness, Ye Saints, Who Hear Me Now,
If I Forsake The Lord.

Divine Hymns YouTube Channel

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